Diversity and Inclusion

Job Search

Proud to be your ambassador

We are committed to promoting an inclusive culture both in our workplace and in our work. Diversity and inclusion are at the centre of our values and we aim to support minority networks as advocates in the recruitment sector.

What is diversity?

Diversity includes any dimension used to differentiate groups and people from one another. When talking about diversity in a workplace, we focus mostly on respecting and appreciating what makes employees different in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, education, and national origin.

How does inclusion differ from diversity?

Inclusion, on the other hand, includes organizational efforts to make employees of all backgrounds feel welcomed, and equally treated. 

Inclusive organisational culture makes people feel respected and valued for who they are as an individual or group. 

As an employer, you can expect us to:

  • Offer equal growth opportunities

  • Educate employees on diversity and inclusion

  • Support flexibility in the workplace

  • Rewrite your job descriptions and job ads

As a recruitment partner, you can expect us to:

  • Constructively challenge any exclusive and restrictive criteria in your role profiles
  • Ensure all advertising materials use inclusive language and imagery
  • Put diversity at the heart of all client projects
  • Ensure we reflect the people and communities you work with and for
  • Challenge inappropriate practice where required

We believe different backgrounds and perspective contribute to progressive and diverse culture, and help drive innovation in your business. 

Here are just a few ways inclusion and diversity can benefit your company:

  • Increased creativity
  • Outperform the competition
  • Better decision-making
  • Increased profits
  • Improved employee engagement
  • Reduced turnover
  • Upstanding reputation in industry

Our commitment to building diverse organisations starts with us, and we are proud that women, LGBTQ+, disabled and ethnic minorities consider Gilbert Meher Group a responsible employer.